
Berita Hari Ini Di Indonesia Dan Internasional

Harga bahan bakar minyak atau BBM di Indonesia mengalami kenaikan, imbas dari banderol minyak dunia. Kloter Jakarta Bekasi menjadi kloter terakhir jemaah haji Indonesia gelombang pertama yang dipulangkan dari Bandara Internasional Jeddah. Ilmuwan telah menemukan tempat terpanas di Bulan serta sekitar 200 zona Goldilocks yang mana mendekati suhu rata-rata di San Fransisco. Madura United berhasil mengalahkan Persib Bandung dengan skor 3-1 dalam laga pekan kedua BRI Liga 1. Segera lengkapi data dirimu untuk ikutan program #JernihBerkomentar.

Akan tetapi, alangkah lebih baiknya untuk tidak melakukan hal itu. Xiaomi Redmi 10 5G merupakan ponsel pintar dengan konektivitas 5G yang dirilis pada 2 Agustus 2022 di Indonesia. Bus AKAP dua tingkat berkabin mewah ini menggunakan sasis premium Scania K410IB 6×2 dengan bodi Jetbus3 buatan Karoseri Adi Putro, Malang. KPK dan Kejagung sampai saat ini belum berhasil menangkap bos Duta Palma Group, Surya Darmadi atau Apeng, yang menjadi buronan. Dalam pertemuan itu, Nyoman mengaku mengedit wikipedia Irjen Fadil karena punya pengalaman buruk dengan polisi. Terima uang dari Bupati Mamberamo Tengah, Ricky Ham Pagawak, penyanyi Nowela mengungkap hubungan mereka.

Hal itu berdasarkan keterangan ajudan yang didapatkan dari kuasa hukum. Kapolda Metro Jaya, Irjen Fadil Imran, menemui pelaku yang mengedit biodatanya di Wikipedia. Samsung merilis sebuah fitur baru dengan harapan bisa mengatasi keresahan yang timbul setiap kali ponsel rusak dan harus diperbaiki orang lain. Mengutip, Wikipedia dapat memengaruhi keputusan hakim ketika ada artikel yang membahas kasus yang relevan. Para ilmuwan mengatakan, keberadaan halaman Wikipedia untuk sebuah kasus meningkatkan kutipannya lebih dari 20 persen.

Judha mengatakan bahwa korban penipuan perusahaan investasi palsu di Sihanoukville, Kamboja, saat ini bertambah dari fifty three orang menjadi 60 orang. Selain itu, Anggota Koarmabar, Frigat Inggristianto Putro juga menjadi korban meninggal dalam kecelakaan ini. Dijelaskan Noor, MH datang dari arah Ciledug menuju kearah Parung Serab dan telag berjalan sesuai dengan jalurnya. Kreator konten, Jeje Slebew akhirnya meminta maaf atas videonya yang viral beberapa waktu lalu. Gorong-gorong dan besi penutup pohon milik Pemkot Mojokerto sering hilang selama setahun terakhir, ternyata dua orang ini pelakunya. Irjen Dedi Prasetyo menanggapi Usman Hamid yang menyoroti jabatan lain Kadiv Propam nonaktif Irjen Ferdy Sambo di Polri.

Deretan kartun populer ini heboh di web dengan teori konspirasinya yang dibuat dan diyakin para penggemar.

Kabid Humas Polda Jateng, Kombes Iqbal Alqudusy mengatakan bahwa kecelakaan tersebut mengakibatkan dua orang meninggal dunia. Warga Brazil berusia forty one tahun dinyatakan meninggal dunia akibat cacar monyet. PayPal sempat muncul dalam daftar PSE Asing di laman

“Ini bermakna pemilihan Umno untuk penggal ini akan dibuat tidak lewat dari enam bulan selepas PRU ke-15,” kata Ahmad. Di peringkat kebangsaan, majlis dimulakan dengan bacaan Yasin dan doa selamat dipimpin Imam Besar Masjid Negara Ehsan Mohd Hosni. Mahasiswa Universitas Gadjah Mada turut memeriahkan pameran kendaraan listrik Periklindo Electric Vehicle Show 2022. Pintu masuk utama kawasan Tebet Eco Park masih ditutup dengan dihalangi spanduk dan barrier berjejer. Selain sumur air bersih, kedua pihak juga mendirikan tempat wudu dan fasilitas mandi, cuci, kakus . Dalam video tersebut tampak rombongan warga Papua yang sedang berdemo sambil membawa spanduk “Papua Menolak Banteng”.

BNPT melatih trainer untuk menangani anak terasosiasi kelompok teroris dan ekstremis kekerasan. Kunci jawaban berdasarkan pertanyaan mengenai teks pidato Soekarno. Irjen Fadil Imran menuturkan seluruh aktivitas masyarakat di dunia siber bisa terlacak. Kejaksaan Spanyol menyatakan bahwa mereka akan meminta pengadilan memberikan hukuman pada penyanyi pop asal Kolombia, Shakira, delapan tahun dan dua bulan penjara. Madura United sempat tertinggal lebih dulu dari Persib Bandung, namun kemudian berhasil memenangkan pertandingan. Kata pengacara keluarga Sambo, Brigadir J juga kedapatan pernah memakai parfum istri Irjen Sambo yang diketahui oleh ajudan lainnya.

Akhir-akhir ini, media sosial dihebohkan oleh beredarnya sebuah video yang menampilkan Jeje Slebew marah-marah di Citayam Fashion Week , Dukuh Atas. Sabtu sore ini, nama Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika , Johnny G Plate terpantau trending di media sosial Twitter. Polres Cilegon Polda Banten mengungkap kasus tindak pidana perlindungan konsumen dan pangan tentang pemalsuan isi air minum dalam kemasan galon Aqua.


Bim Salabim, Cazorla Diperkenalkan Villarreal Dengan Trik Sulap

Kini pemain berkebangsaan Spanyol itu merumput bersama Villarreal. Cazorla pun diperkenalkan dengan cara yang tidak biasa oleh klub yang berjuluk The Yellow Submarine tersebut. Santi Cazorla bergabung dengan Villarreal pada Juli 2018 setelah kontraknya bersama Arsenal berakhir. Bersama Villarreal, Cazorla menyepakati kontrak selama satu musim. Namun baru-baru ini klub asal Spanyol tersebut memperkenalkan sang pemain dihadapan publik. Bukan seperti kebanyakan klub memperkenalkan pemain mereka dengan memasuki lapangan kemudian menunjukkan kemampuannya dalam juggling bola, Villarreal melakukan hal yang tidak biasa. Seperti yang dilansir dari Sportbible, Villarreal memperkenalkan Santi Cazorla di depan 4.500 pendukungnya di Estadio de la Ceramica dengan menggunakan trip sulap. Seorang pria yang menjadi dalang dibalik sulap tersebut telah menyiapkan tabung kosong di tengah lapangan. Setelah beberapa detik menunggu, keluarlah asap di dalam tabung sehingga memenuhi tabung tersebut. Tabung itu terisi penuh dengan asap hingga asap itu keluar. Bersamaan dengan itu, asap yang keluar membuat asap yang di dalam tabung perlahan-lahan berkurang. Saat itu juga lah mulai terlihat ada seseorang di dalamnya. Ya, seseorang di dalam tabung itu adalah Santi Cazorla. Pemain berusia 33 tahun itu muncul bersamaan dengan berkurangnya asap di dalam tabung tersebut. Nama Santi Cazorla pun disebut oleh sang pesulap yang diikuti oleh teriakan para penonton di stadion. Penonton yang menyaksikan hal itu terkagum-kagum dan memberikan tepuk tangan yang meriah atas diperkenalkannya Santi Cazorla dengan trik sulap tersebut.

Atraksi sulap // SINGA DEPOK WIDYA nada jaya dari sukaperna kec.Tukdana ...Lazio ? Parma is our moment: we prepare the first stadium display involving the entire Curva Nord; them we go away to Parma, where, at the end of the match, we invade the pitch; finally, with Taranto playing Lazio at Olimpico, we celebrate the promotion to Serie A, in a stadium still yet to be finished. The celebrations follow with some healthy bath in the Roman fountains, and then a procession. This is however not authorised by the authorities and ends up with us being charged by the police: for Lazio, we can bear much more than this. In the summer preceding the new season, Fascetti is sacked. We disagree and contest chairman Calleri? Serramazzoni and the first part of the campionato. During that period, in a few days some of us have their names finishing in the police records: it happens in Milan, in Naples, from where we are sent back to Rome without letting us attend the match; and in Rome, on the occasion of Italy ?

Holland match, where the police let us leave the stadium after the Dutch supporters, and the match was at Olimpico! Had Calleri something to do with it? In the meantime there is some good news too: drums are brought into Olimpico at Lazio ? Verona, but they will not last for long. At Lazio ? Ascoli, ? Mr. Enrich? makes its debut, a photocopied fanzine which is distributed freely and that soon becomes a contact point with the whole Curva. On January 15, for the derby, we decide to support Lazio together with the Eagles, in the bottom zone of Curva Nord. We divide our tasks: the Eagles would take care of the display at the beginning of the match, while we would do the second half one. We prepare 8 big banners with the symbol of S.S. Lazio and as many others with Roma? Olimpico a small number of banners only. Di Canio scores the goal that gives us the victory.

The promises that chairman Calleri made during the summer are not kept, and we get to the derby with the team struggling at the bottom of the table. For our stadium display we insist on the concept of romanita? Trilussa?s poetries; one of them said ? IRRIDUCIBILI IS POETRY?. In the run to avoid relegation we have to meet Juventus away. Calleri offers free transportations by coach to the supporters, but we refuse and remain the only ones who pay to go to Torino! Lazio avoids relegation thanks to a draw with Ascoli. Season 1989/90. Olimpico gets ready for the World Cup, and Lazio will play for all the season at Stadio Flaminio. We show a banner to protest against the waste of money at Olimpico, but this will not be the only ? Montezemolo & Co. Very soon, several ? The Flaminio?s ?muretto?, where we followed Lazio during the entire season, favoured the unity of the group. In the meantime, the wool hats make their debut in Curva.


Laos U19 Tenang-Tenang Menghanyutkan Dan Pesannya Untuk AFF

Salah satu kata yang bisa mendeskripsikan keberhasilan timnas Laos tembus final AFF U19 adalah mengejutkan. Terkejut karena timnas yang biasanya tak terlalu diperhitungkan di Asia Tenggara ini berhasil membungkam Thailand 2-0 di semifinal AFF U19. Di sisi lain, capaian itu menjadi catatan bersejarah untuk Laos. Untuk pertama kalinya, Laos masuk partai final kejuaraan sepak bola untuk konteks Asia Tenggara. Keberhasilan Laos U19 bisa membahasakan peta sepak bola Asia Tenggara. Terlihat dominasi 3 atau pun 4 negara bukanlah harga mutlak untuk mencapai tangga juara di Asia Tenggara. Bukan tak mungkin, Laos keluar sebagai juara jika mengalahkan Malaysia. Jalan Laos ke partai final barangkali tak terlalu menarik perhatian banyak pihak. Barangkali banyak yang tersadar dengan kekuatan Laos ketika Laos berhasil mengalahkan Thailand dan sudah berada di partai final. Lebih jauh, hal ini membahasakan perjalan timnas di Asia Tenggara. Beberapa timnas sudah berbenah. Laos U19 menjadi salah satu contoh dari perubahan timnas di Asia Tenggara. Para pemain muda ini bisa menjadi tulang punggung Laos di masa depan. Tak berlebihan jika mengatakan bahwa Laos akan menjadi tim yang perlu ‘diwaspadai’ pada waktu yang akan datang. Selain Laos, yang patut disebutkan juga adalah Filipina. Gerakan naturalisasi pemain keturunan menjadi salah satu cara timnas Filipina menggenjot kekuatan timnas di kancah AFF. Berkomentarlah secara bijaksana dan bertanggung jawab. Belum ada komentar. Jadilah yang pertama untuk memberikan komentar!

In what Modern Pox, or Syphilis, Consists. 5 In the phagedenic chancre, the ulcer increases pe- ripherally or advances, eating right and left, almost in a zigzag. It penetrates into the connective tissue, which it destroys, and under the skin, which it perforates at various points. Sometimes one of the extremities cica- trizes as the chancre pursues its destructive march. Its invading and serpiginous course is rarely regular, and the disturbances are difficult to repair. They may even bring on death. I saw a case of this nature at Lourcine, when I was interne at that hospital, in 1881. Case I. (Personal).-A poor girl of 23, in the salle Fracastor (formerly St. At the time I saw the patient, the chancre formed a very regular circle 10 centimetres in diameter, without exaggeration; the skin and con- nective tissue were absolutely destroyed, as well as the 6heath of the muscles, which latter appeared naked, admirably dissected. One would have said that the coverings had been removed with a punch, and that a part of the skin had been cut out with scissors and Scarpa’s triangle1 prepared for demonstration.

Coffee Cup Stain Decal (DE16)The unfortunate died of ex- haustion about eight months after the first appearance of the chancre. It is the only death from a venereal disease that I had an opportunity of witnessing during my stay at Lourcine, and yet I observed many patients in that hospital; it would be difficult to tell the exact number within a few hundreds. So, one can die of a non-infecting chancre, for this woman was not syphilitic; but it must be admitted that this is rare, especially nowadays. A last point to note, and I will have done with this parallel. 3c5i’, groin), or “kernel” which is always painful, and often suppurates. With the primary lesion of 1 Scarpa’s Triangle: An anatomical region which is dissected pre- paratory to examinations. 6 Syphilis To-day and Among the Ancients. This ganglion, which is sometimes as large as a walnut, is known, in hospital slang, under the name of prefet of the groin. This ganglionic pleiad, very hard to the touch, is absolutely indolent and never sup- purates.

It is not a bubo, then, to speak properly. When these buboes suppurate, the syphilis is accom- panied by gonorrhoea, soft chancre, or scrofula, or a neighboring wound; but that it could occur from the syphilitic process, I would almost regard as an impossi- bility. Thierry de Hery, lieutenant-general of the king (Henry II), knew already, in the sixteenth century, that there were chancres not followed by secondary accidents, and that the suppurating bubo did not belong to syphilis. He had then foreseen the duality of the chancre estab- lished in our days by Ricord in an irrefutable manner. “ As often appears in many who have bad and malignant ulcers, which will be difficult to cure, because nature makes an effort to evacuate the said venom by those parts, and if a bubo appears, otherwise called a ‘ kernel,’ which receives the said fluxion, the ulcer will be healed and cured in a short time, and the patient will be free from pox.”1 Besides, we have stated that the indurated chancre itself does not suppurate, and we shall see shortly that the secondary accidents do not suppurate either, or very slightly, this second period being a vege- tating phase rather than a destructive one.


Trik Sulap Matematika Angka

Used Car For Sale in Assam -- Starting Price ₹ 80,000 Only Second Hand Car in True Value -- 60+CarGame 2 Pemain: Game Matematika adalah salah satu permainan menyenangkan dan permainan edukatif untuk dua pemain. Ini adalah permainan terbaik untuk anak-anak dan permainan keren untuk orang dewasa! Download aplikasi gratis untuk Android sekarang! Lakukan latihan matematika dalam perlombaan melawan teman-teman Anda! Ini adalah permainan untuk anak perempuan dan anak laki-laki, atau lebih tepatnya – ini adalah permainan terbaik bagi seluruh dunia. Layar terbagi dua sehingga sangat nyaman untuk game duel. Ini adalah permainan reaksi dan konsentrasi permainan yang menggugah otak Anda dengan cara yang positif. Permainan Multiplayer telah ada, dan ini adalah permainan terbaik untuk bermain dengan teman-teman. Game 2 Pemain: Game Matematika merupakan sebuah permainan gratis untuk anak-anak dan permainan populer untuk orang dewasa meliputi operasi matematika dasar – penambahan dan pengurangan, dan ada juga pilihan bagi Anda untuk mematikan pengurangan jika Anda ingin, misalnya, untuk memberikan anak prasekolah Anda untuk bermain dan belajar matematika dengan cara yang menyenangkan.

Itulah mengapa ini adalah permainan untuk anak-anak usia 4 tahun yang mulai TK. Tapi mari kita tidak berhenti di sini, karena ini juga merupakan permainan matematika untuk siswa kelas 2 tahun ke atas. Jika Anda tidak percaya kita, mencoba dan melihat sendiri bagaimana menantang dan menyenangkannya game gratis ini. Permainan matematika ini membuat matematika menjadi menyenangkan. Yang perlu Anda khawatirkan adalah memberikan jawaban yang benar untuk persamaan lebih cepat dari lawan dan skor Anda akan naik! Jangan bahkan berpikir untuk asal menebak- Anda kehilangan 1 poin untuk setiap jawaban yang salah. Ini adalah permainan otak yang menyenangkan, permainan kompetitif dan pendidikan untuk anak-anak dan orang dewasa. Anak-anak, bermain 10 pertandingan berturut-turut dan Anda siap untuk tes matematika di sekolah-sekolah, dan orang tua berkumpul bersama dan merevisi matematika dengan bantuan permainan multiplayer! Game Dua pemain terbaik jarang terlihat saat ini, dan yang satu ini tepat di depan Anda! Anda membutuhkan permainan untuk dua gadis atau dua anak laki-laki, atau kombinasi campuran – baik cara ini adalah solusi sempurna! Game 2 Pemain: Game Matematika adalah permainan menyenangkan matematika yang lubang dua pemain terhadap satu sama lain pada perangkat yang sama! Siapa yang tahu matematika bisa menjadi sangat menyenangkan! Mempekerjakan otak Anda segera!

In what Modern Pox, or Syphilis, Consists. 5 In the phagedenic chancre, the ulcer increases pe- ripherally or advances, eating right and left, almost in a zigzag. It penetrates into the connective tissue, which it destroys, and under the skin, which it perforates at various points. Sometimes one of the extremities cica- trizes as the chancre pursues its destructive march. Its invading and serpiginous course is rarely regular, and the disturbances are difficult to repair. They may even bring on death. I saw a case of this nature at Lourcine, when I was interne at that hospital, in 1881. Case I. (Personal).-A poor girl of 23, in the salle Fracastor (formerly St. At the time I saw the patient, the chancre formed a very regular circle 10 centimetres in diameter, without exaggeration; the skin and con- nective tissue were absolutely destroyed, as well as the 6heath of the muscles, which latter appeared naked, admirably dissected. One would have said that the coverings had been removed with a punch, and that a part of the skin had been cut out with scissors and Scarpa’s triangle1 prepared for demonstration.

The unfortunate died of ex- haustion about eight months after the first appearance of the chancre. It is the only death from a venereal disease that I had an opportunity of witnessing during my stay at Lourcine, and yet I observed many patients in that hospital; it would be difficult to tell the exact number within a few hundreds. So, one can die of a non-infecting chancre, for this woman was not syphilitic; but it must be admitted that this is rare, especially nowadays. A last point to note, and I will have done with this parallel. 3c5i’, groin), or “kernel” which is always painful, and often suppurates. With the primary lesion of 1 Scarpa’s Triangle: An anatomical region which is dissected pre- paratory to examinations. 6 Syphilis To-day and Among the Ancients. This ganglion, which is sometimes as large as a walnut, is known, in hospital slang, under the name of prefet of the groin. This ganglionic pleiad, very hard to the touch, is absolutely indolent and never sup- purates.

Ergh JebbiIt is not a bubo, then, to speak properly. When these buboes suppurate, the syphilis is accom- panied by gonorrhoea, soft chancre, or scrofula, or a neighboring wound; but that it could occur from the syphilitic process, I would almost regard as an impossi- bility. Thierry de Hery, lieutenant-general of the king (Henry II), knew already, in the sixteenth century, that there were chancres not followed by secondary accidents, and that the suppurating bubo did not belong to syphilis. He had then foreseen the duality of the chancre estab- lished in our days by Ricord in an irrefutable manner. “ As often appears in many who have bad and malignant ulcers, which will be difficult to cure, because nature makes an effort to evacuate the said venom by those parts, and if a bubo appears, otherwise called a ‘ kernel,’ which receives the said fluxion, the ulcer will be healed and cured in a short time, and the patient will be free from pox.”1 Besides, we have stated that the indurated chancre itself does not suppurate, and we shall see shortly that the secondary accidents do not suppurate either, or very slightly, this second period being a vege- tating phase rather than a destructive one.


The History Of Irriducibili (Lazio Ultras Group)

Explore Chat Yang Sudah Di Hapus : Trik Mudah Membongkar Riwayat ...Our adventure starts in the late 80s, when the Italian ultras movement was experiencing a transitory period, filled with a particular ferment. New minor groups rise among almost all the organized ultras in Italy with the aim to take back the ? 10-15 years earlier. In many cases, these established groups seem also to have lost their initial vitality. Among all such attempts, IRRIDUCIBILI will be, no doubt, the more successful one. The group makes its debut at Olimpico on October 18th 1987, in a squalid Serie B? Lazio-Padova (it will finish 1-1), and follow the match from a famous spot, the mythical ?muretto centrale?, which was occupied, until then, by the Viking group. Many people, who in the previous years did much for Curva Nord, are called back to join the newborn group. During its first period, the group has some peculiar characteristics: a very few members, whose average age is quite high.

Butterfly Close InsectThe name is original indeed, but what does it really mean? IRRIDUCIBILI expresses the will not to accept any compromise with all the realities that surrounded S.S. Lazio, and in particular with the ? TV networks and with the Lazio Clubs. There is the will to re-affirm the ultras mentality, the spontaneous support without any sectarianism and moralism; there is the will to change the Curva Nord? Eagles Supporters (worshipped by all the Lazio?s world), accused to have divided the Curva into sons and stepsons. It?s not by chance that Irriducibili travel in train for the away matches, in contraposition to ? Eagle?s coach?; and indeed, it is the youngsters who already used to follow Lazio away by train those who join the group first. Many of them will become really attached to the group, representing, for them, the revenge towards those who considered them sort of ? Summing up, the attempt is to create a new group which takes from the 70s, calling back to the ?

The famous ?Mr. Enrich? Our mascot, a man wearing a bowler had and throwing kicks, taken from an anti-conformist character in a Britannic comic, would make its debut very soon, on a sticker. The very first period was not that brilliant, and, looking back, we can certainly say that only a few understood what this new group was really about; soon, however, things started to change, with the group taking the new path as it was meant to be. It?s time for the first display, realized with several flags with a check pattern and the ? Irriducibili? name painted on them. Maybe it was not great stuff, but for those times it was more than enough. Moreover we were showing that we were there. What will Irriducibili do today? This was the question that Curva Nord asked herself every Sunday, a sign that people were gladly getting used to our displays. The originality was our most peculiar feature.

And for the sake of originality, sometimes we passed the line. Like that day when, in order to have a more colorful Curva, we prepared multicolor flags (some were fluorescent) instead of the traditional white and pale blue. We realized it was a mistake, and abandoned the experiment. It is interesting to notice that Irriducibili introduce a banner which is only 10 meters long, in contraposition to those extremely wide used everywhere, with however ghost groups behind them. No section, no affiliated groups: Irriducibili is unique, and represents all those who gather at the ? Let?s talk a while about following Lazio away. 6 December 1987. The majority follows Eagles on their coaches, while Irriducibili travel by train. At the Genova railway station, about 800 Laziali get off the train. Irriducibili take the lead of this group of supporters, who then form a procession to reach the stadium: a completely new way to introduce themselves to the rival supporters, with Laziali approaching the stadium united and compact.


Trik Sulap Kartu Sederhana

Sulap identik dengan permainan kartu yang memukau. Sampai-sampai hampir semua tokoh film atau komik yang memiliki tema pesulap pasti pernah di gambarkan memainkan kartu dalam trik mereka. Jadi wajar aja kalau di bilang sulapmu belum sempurna apabila kamu belum berhasil daftar sbobet memukau penonton dengan tipuan kartu. Yuk coba ikutik trik trik di bawah ini. Ambilah 2 kartu dari atas tumpukan kartu secara bersamaan. Berlatihlah agar terlihat seperti hanya 1kartu yang di ambil. Tunjukkan kepada penonton bagian bawah kartu yang telah di ambil tadi. Letakkan kembali kedua kartu ke tumpukan kartu setelah di lihat dan di ingat oleh penonton. Ambilah satu kartu teratas dari tumpukan kartu dan letakkan secara acak dalam tumpukan kartu, sehingga penonton berpikir kartu itu adalah kartu yang di lihatnya tadi. Lakukan gerakan magic dengan tanganmu untuk memberikan kesan jika kamu telah memindahkan kartu tadi ke tumpukan teratas. Balikkan kartu teratas dan tunjukkan kalau itu adalah kartu yang di lihat oleh penonton tadi. Siapkan 1 set kartu kuartet, kocok penuh gaya agar tampilan mu semakin meyakinkan.

3D Formula 1 2022 Red Livery modelMinta salah satu teman atau relawan untuk menarik satu kartu di antara dek kartu tersebut. Cukup dia yang tahu isinya apa. Pokoknya jangan lupa akting macam pesulap pesulap di TV. Suruh dia mengembalikan kartu tersebut di atas tumpukan kartu yang sudah kamu kumpulkan. Diam diam coba lihat bagian paling bawah dari tumpukan kartu tersebut. Dan jangan sampai ketahuan siapa pun, lakukan dengan santai dan cepat. Alihkan perhatian penonton dengan koar-koar soal trik sulap mu. Bagi tumpukan kartu menjadi dua dan pindah tumpukan kartu yang tadinya di bawah jadi ke atas. Buka satu persatu tumpukan kartu mu. Jangan lupa untuk berakting seolah sedang membaca ingatan teman mu. Buka terus hingga kamu menemukan kartu paling bawah yang kamu intip, sebelum tumpukan kartu di bagi dua dan di pindah posisinya. Kartu berikutnya setelah kartu tersebut, pastilah kartu yang diambil temanmu pertama kali. Selain mudah diterapkan, trik kartu bisa memukau banyak orang saat kamu melakukannya. Apakah kamu tertarik mempelajari trik sulap kartu? Jika iya, sepertinya kamu harus mencoba trik trik di atas untuk membuat teman kamu terpukau saat kalian menunjukkannya. Walaupun hanya trik kartu sederhana yang mudah di aplikasikan, tapi bisa membuat teman kamu terpana saat melihatnya.

In what Modern Pox, or Syphilis, Consists. 5 In the phagedenic chancre, the ulcer increases pe- ripherally or advances, eating right and left, almost in a zigzag. It penetrates into the connective tissue, which it destroys, and under the skin, which it perforates at various points. Sometimes one of the extremities cica- trizes as the chancre pursues its destructive march. Its invading and serpiginous course is rarely regular, and the disturbances are difficult to repair. They may even bring on death. I saw a case of this nature at Lourcine, when I was interne at that hospital, in 1881. Case I. (Personal).-A poor girl of 23, in the salle Fracastor (formerly St. At the time I saw the patient, the chancre formed a very regular circle 10 centimetres in diameter, without exaggeration; the skin and con- nective tissue were absolutely destroyed, as well as the 6heath of the muscles, which latter appeared naked, admirably dissected. One would have said that the coverings had been removed with a punch, and that a part of the skin had been cut out with scissors and Scarpa’s triangle1 prepared for demonstration.

The unfortunate died of ex- haustion about eight months after the first appearance of the chancre. It is the only death from a venereal disease that I had an opportunity of witnessing during my stay at Lourcine, and yet I observed many patients in that hospital; it would be difficult to tell the exact number within a few hundreds. So, one can die of a non-infecting chancre, for this woman was not syphilitic; but it must be admitted that this is rare, especially nowadays. A last point to note, and I will have done with this parallel. 3c5i’, groin), or “kernel” which is always painful, and often suppurates. With the primary lesion of 1 Scarpa’s Triangle: An anatomical region which is dissected pre- paratory to examinations. 6 Syphilis To-day and Among the Ancients. This ganglion, which is sometimes as large as a walnut, is known, in hospital slang, under the name of prefet of the groin. This ganglionic pleiad, very hard to the touch, is absolutely indolent and never sup- purates.

It is not a bubo, then, to speak properly. When these buboes suppurate, the syphilis is accom- panied by gonorrhoea, soft chancre, or scrofula, or a neighboring wound; but that it could occur from the syphilitic process, I would almost regard as an impossi- bility. Thierry de Hery, lieutenant-general of the king (Henry II), knew already, in the sixteenth century, that there were chancres not followed by secondary accidents, and that the suppurating bubo did not belong to syphilis. He had then foreseen the duality of the chancre estab- lished in our days by Ricord in an irrefutable manner. “ As often appears in many who have bad and malignant ulcers, which will be difficult to cure, because nature makes an effort to evacuate the said venom by those parts, and if a bubo appears, otherwise called a ‘ kernel,’ which receives the said fluxion, the ulcer will be healed and cured in a short time, and the patient will be free from pox.”1 Besides, we have stated that the indurated chancre itself does not suppurate, and we shall see shortly that the secondary accidents do not suppurate either, or very slightly, this second period being a vege- tating phase rather than a destructive one.


5 Trik Sulap Sederhana Untuk Pemula, Kamu Pasti Bisa

Atau mungkin Anda ingin menghibur sedikit keponakan, tetapi tidak tahu cara melakukannya. Obrolan sudah habis, camilan sudah dikeringkan. Jika Anda sibuk, mainan ponsel akan menjadi lebih menyenangkan karena semua orang sibuk sendiri. Jadi, cobalah pelajari beberapa trik sulap berikut untuk memanaskan suasana berkumpul dengan teman-teman Anda! Meskipun trik di bawah ini sederhana, mereka terlihat “wow” di depan mata orang-orang yang tidak tahu rahasianya. Nilai plus? Anda juga bisa dapat menunjukkan bakat dan membuat mereka takjub. Magic identik dengan permainan kartu yang menakjubkan. Sampai-sampai hampir semua karakter film atau komik yang temanya pesulap pasti digambarkan sebagai kartu remi dalam tipuan mereka. Jadi, wajar untuk mengatakan bahwa Anda tidak memiliki trik sulap jika Anda belum berhasil memukau penonton dengan trik kartu. 1. Siapkan satu set kartu kuartet, kocok dengan penuh gaya agar Anda terlihat lebih meyakinkan. 2. Minta salah satu teman atau relawan Anda untuk menggambar kartu di antara setumpuk kartu. Cukup dia yang tahu apa yang dikandungnya.

Bagaimanapun, jangan lupa bertindak seperti penyihir di TV. 3. Minta dia mengembalikan kartu ke tumpukan kartu yang telah Anda kumpulkan. Diam-diam mencoba untuk melihat bagian bawah tumpukan kartu. Ssst! Jangan sampai ketahuan, lakukan dengan santai dan cepat. Alihkan perhatian penonton dengan koar-koar tentang trik sulap Anda. 4. Bagilah tumpukan kartu menjadi dua dan pindahkan tumpukan kartu yang ada di bawah menjadi ke atas. 5. Buka satu per satu tumpukan kartu Anda. Jangan lupa bertindak seolah-olah Anda sedang membaca memori teman Anda. 6. Buka terus sampai Anda menemukan kartu paling bawah yang Anda intip, sebelum tumpukan kartu dibagi menjadi dua dan pindah posisinya. 7. Kartu berikutnya setelah kartu, harus kartu yang pertama kali diambil teman Anda. “Ini ‘kan kartumu tadi? Tunjukan kartu temuanmu ke penonton dan saksikan wajah kekaguman dari relawanmu itu! Selain kartu, sulap dengan koin juga merupakan trik klasik tetapi selalu menarik. Mulai dari menghilangkannya, menggandakannya atau trik untuk mengangkut barang ke tempat lain biasanya dilakukan dengan koin. Karena Anda masih pemula, Anda harus mencoba trik mudah berikut terlebih dahulu.

Menembus telapak tangan Anda dengan koin. 1. Pertama siapkan dua koin identik. Tapi tunjukkan satu kepada penonton. Yang lain Anda telah disematkan antara pangkal antara ibu jari dan telunjuk Anda. Jangan lupa bahwa tangan kiri Anda harus sedikit bergaris sehingga ibu jari Anda tidak terlihat. 2. Di tangan kanan Anda, tunjukkan koin Anda dan beri tahu penonton bahwa Anda akan membuatnya menembus telapak tangan kiri Anda. Berpura-pura menemukan titik lemah sehingga koin bisa lewat dengan mudah. 3. Koin di tangan kanan tidak akan benar-benar menusuk daging Anda (ya iyalah), Anda hanya perlu menarik koin ke atas, tersembunyi di balik telapak tangan kanan Anda. Ketika koin didorong dan jari-jari tangan kanan Anda turun bertabrakan dengan bagian atas telapak tangan kiri Anda, itulah momentum di mana Anda menarik koin di tangan kanan Anda dengan ibu jari Anda untuk bersembunyi di balik telapak tangan kanan Anda. 4. Lepaskan koin yang telah disematkan di tangan kiri dari awal sehingga koin jatuh melalui tangan Anda! 5. Jika Anda fleksibel dalam melakukan gerakan tangan cepat yang khas dari pesulap hebat, trik ini akan terlihat sangat mengesankan seperti trik ilusionis di televisi.

Kumpulan Telur Naga Dragon City Dan Naga Langka Trik bermain dragon cityKalau kamu ingin terlihat semakin keren karena bisa ‘membaca pikiran’ teman-temanmu, cobain deh trik mind reading yang satu ini. Mudah banget, tapi hasilnya bisa bikin teman-temanmu terpana. 1. Suruh temanmu memilih satu angka dari 1 sampai 10 di dalam hatinya. Minta dia untuk mengalikan angka tersebut dengan angka 2. Lalu tambahkan angka 8 pada hasil perkalian tersebut. 2. Setelah itu bagi dua angka terakhir tadi, kemudian kurangi dengan angka yang pertama temanmu pilih. Pokoknya suruh dia menghitung dalam kepalanya dan kamu nggak boleh tahu. 3. Kalau sudah selesai menghitung, suruh temanmu memikirkan nama sebuah negara di Eropa (jangan Asia, atau benua lainnya. Jadi misalnya, 1 sama dengan A, 2 sama dengan B, 3 sama dengan C dan seterusnya. 4. Setelah itu minta dia memikirkan nama hewan yang huruf depannya dimulai dengan huruf setelah huruf yang sebelumnya dipakai menentukan nama negara tadi. 5. … Sebenarnya, nggak penting bagi kamu untuk tahu dia sedang memikirkan huruf dan negara apa. BAM! Dijamin berhasil dan bikin teman-temanmu terheran-heran.


The Daily Brunei Resources

Quadpack maneuvers to gain US market shareShe is the second child of Pengiran Haji Bolkiah bin Pengiran Haji Jaluddin bin Pengiran Haji Tajuddin with Pengiran Hajah Noor’aismah binti Pengiran Haji Ismail bin Pengiran Haji Tengah. Her eldest brother, Awangku Abd. Aziz Hafizuddin bin Pengiran Haji Bolkiah, works at the Royal Brunei Airlines. Her other siblings are Awangku Mohd Ainul Yaqien; Dayangku Noor Batuul ‘Afiqah; Dayangku Izzatul `Afifah; Dayangku Duratul Majeedah; Dayangku Nur Hidayatul Maheerah; Awangku Mohd Zainul ‘Ariffin; Awangku Mohd Irfan Hakeem; and Awangku Mohd Izzul Yamin @ Abdul Razeeq. Note: Direct descendants of the Brunei Sultans carry the hereditary title of Pengiran. One of the scariest thing that young Bruneians face is the interview at the Public Service Commission or in Brunei speak known as Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam or better known as SPA. Get through the SPA interview, fortunes in the civil service awaits you. Or at least that is what’s on the mind of everyone who applies for a job in the government service.

franceIt’s been quite sometime since I last interviewed anyone at SPA. I used to do it when I was the Deputy Director about 10 years ago. The one thing I noticed is that most people who were being interviewed mostly seemed ill prepared for it – some were very prepared for the wrong thing. There is this perception that if you remember the full name of the Minister or the list of Permanent Secretaries and Deputy Permanent Secretaries or the Director of the department or the Ministry that you are trying to get into together with their full names and titles, you are going to get the job. ‘Kuih Mor’ is traditionally rolled into a ball before it is baked. Picture: Courtesy of Norhafizah Hj Bagol New and different variations of the ‘Kuih Mor’ are also popular now and use ingredients such as Oreo cookies. Picture: Courtesy of Norhafizah Hj Bagol Nurhamiza Hj Roslan BRUNEI-MUARA Saturday, September 5, 2015 DESPITE first making its appearance in the Sultanate during the 1940s, Kuih Mor continues to be a household favourite today as a tea time snack or festive treat particularly during Hari Raya Aidil Fitri. Siti Norhafizah Hj Bagol, a final year student at Universiti Brunei Darussalam who researched on Kuih Mor as part of her Brunei Traditional Industry module, said the three-ingredient sweet treat may have existed in Brunei as early as the 1940s when padi was known to have been grown to make different food items.

In what Modern Pox, or Syphilis, Consists. 5 In the phagedenic chancre, the ulcer increases pe- ripherally or advances, eating right and left, almost in a zigzag. It penetrates into the connective tissue, which it destroys, and under the skin, which it perforates at various points. Sometimes one of the extremities cica- trizes as the chancre pursues its destructive march. Its invading and serpiginous course is rarely regular, and the disturbances are difficult to repair. They may even bring on death. I saw a case of this nature at Lourcine, when I was interne at that hospital, in 1881. Case I. (Personal).-A poor girl of 23, in the salle Fracastor (formerly St. At the time I saw the patient, the chancre formed a very regular circle 10 centimetres in diameter, without exaggeration; the skin and con- nective tissue were absolutely destroyed, as well as the 6heath of the muscles, which latter appeared naked, admirably dissected. One would have said that the coverings had been removed with a punch, and that a part of the skin had been cut out with scissors and Scarpa’s triangle1 prepared for demonstration.

The unfortunate died of ex- haustion about eight months after the first appearance of the chancre. It is the only death from a venereal disease that I had an opportunity of witnessing during my stay at Lourcine, and yet I observed many patients in that hospital; it would be difficult to tell the exact number within a few hundreds. So, one can die of a non-infecting chancre, for this woman was not syphilitic; but it must be admitted that this is rare, especially nowadays. A last point to note, and I will have done with this parallel. 3c5i’, groin), or “kernel” which is always painful, and often suppurates. With the primary lesion of 1 Scarpa’s Triangle: An anatomical region which is dissected pre- paratory to examinations. 6 Syphilis To-day and Among the Ancients. This ganglion, which is sometimes as large as a walnut, is known, in hospital slang, under the name of prefet of the groin. This ganglionic pleiad, very hard to the touch, is absolutely indolent and never sup- purates.

It is not a bubo, then, to speak properly. When these buboes suppurate, the syphilis is accom- panied by gonorrhoea, soft chancre, or scrofula, or a neighboring wound; but that it could occur from the syphilitic process, I would almost regard as an impossi- bility. Thierry de Hery, lieutenant-general of the king (Henry II), knew already, in the sixteenth century, that there were chancres not followed by secondary accidents, and that the suppurating bubo did not belong to syphilis. He had then foreseen the duality of the chancre estab- lished in our days by Ricord in an irrefutable manner. “ As often appears in many who have bad and malignant ulcers, which will be difficult to cure, because nature makes an effort to evacuate the said venom by those parts, and if a bubo appears, otherwise called a ‘ kernel,’ which receives the said fluxion, the ulcer will be healed and cured in a short time, and the patient will be free from pox.”1 Besides, we have stated that the indurated chancre itself does not suppurate, and we shall see shortly that the secondary accidents do not suppurate either, or very slightly, this second period being a vege- tating phase rather than a destructive one.


Dapat Ilmu Dari Hongkong, Harus Hafal Hitungan Simpul

Beige Cardboard PBR Texture (Copy)Memanfaatkan teknik tali temali untuk kerajinan unik, begitulah yang dilakukan oleh Wiwit Priyanti. Di tangan dinginnya, gulungan tali mampu ia sulap menjadi sebuah kerajinan seperti tas, dompet, hingga tirai untuk hiasan rumah. Karyanya pun telah melanglang buana hingga luar kota. Sebuah keranjang lebar berisi penuh dengan gulungan tali satin bernuansa emas terjajar rapi di ruang tamu kediaman pasangan suami istri (pasutri) Sujarwo dan Wiwit Priyanti di Desa/Kecamatan Besuki. Selain tali bernuansa emas, juga terdapat tali kur berwarna biru pastel dan putih. “Ini hasilnya jika sudah jadi, bisa untuk tas belanja sehingga tidak perlu menggunakan kantong plastik,” ujar Wiwit, sapaan Wiwit Priyanti sembari menunjukkan sebuah tas berukuran sedang yang sedari tadi digenggamnya. Wiwit merupakan seorang perajin tas dan dompet berbahan dasar tali. Dengan menggunakan teknik makrame atau tali temali, gulungan-gulungan tali aneka warna ini dapat disulap menjadi sebuah tas maupun dompet cantik. Sekilas tas hasil karyanya mirip dengan tas rajut, namun jika dicermati lebih detail keduanya jelas berbeda.

“Sekilas memang mirip, tapi berbeda sekali. Mulai dari pembuatannya saja sudah beda, rajut dengan jarum, kalau makrame ini benar-benar hanya tali temali saja dengan memperhatikan pola,” jelasnya. Wanita 35 tahun ini mengatakan, awal mengenal teknik makrame pada 2015 silam. Saat itu ketika menjadi pekerja migran Indonesia (PMI) di Hongkong, ia kerap mengikuti pelatihan keterampilan. Saat itu ia mengikuti pelatihan pembuatan bros dan tas makrame berbahan tali kur dan tali satin. Setahun kemudian, sepulang menjadi PMI, Wiwit bertekad ingin mengembangkan hasil pelatihan makrame yang didapatnya ketika di Hongkong. Mulanya ia hanya membuat sebuah tas kecil yang digunakannya sendiri. Tak disangka tas hasil karyanya mendapat respon positif, terlebih ketika ia mengunggahnya di akun media sosial Facebook miliknya. “Saya pulang dari Hongkong itu juga membawa bahan-bahan benangnya. Di rumah saya praktikkan lagi membuat tas untuk saya sendiri. Rupanya banyak yang memberi komentar positif. Baru dari situ saya coba buat serius,”terangnya. Meskipun tampak serupa dengan teknik rajut, namun teknik makrame tergolong lebih mudah. Wanita kelahiran Malang 7 April 1985 ini mengatakan kunci dari teknik makrame adalah pada pola dan hafal hitungan simpul.

Sebab beda simpul tentu akan memberi pola yang berbeda. Sementara untuk jenis tali dapat memanfaatkan tali apa saja. Namun untuk tas maupun dompet ia sering menggunakan tali kur dan satin. Ini karena jenis tali tersebut tergolong lebih kuat. Untuk proses produksi, Wiwit mengaku dikerjakan sendiri olehnya sembari mengurus rumah tangga. Untuk menghasilkan tas kecil diperlukan 2 hingga 3 hari untuk pengerjaan. Sementara tas berukuran besar bisa memakan waktu hingga 1 minggu. Tak hanya membuat dompet dan tas, aneka gantungan kunci dan tirai berbahan makrame juga mampu dikerjakannya. Terlebih tirai makrame menjadi trend di kota besar. Utamanya untuk hiasan rumah dengan konsep desain Scandinavian dan modern minimalis. Untuk pemasaran, ibu dua anak ini mengandalkan media sosial seperti Instagram, Facebook, dan Whatsapp untuk promosi. Sementara penjualan karya miliknya tak hanya Tulungagung, namun juga luar kota. Seperti Cilacap, Surabaya, Banyumas, dan juga Malang. Ia berharap pasca pandemi ini geliat bisnis kerajinan tangan (handmade) seperti miliknya dapat kembali bergairah.

Our adventure starts in the late 80s, when the Italian ultras movement was experiencing a transitory period, filled with a particular ferment. New minor groups rise among almost all the organized ultras in Italy with the aim to take back the ? 10-15 years earlier. In many cases, these established groups seem also to have lost their initial vitality. Among all such attempts, IRRIDUCIBILI will be, no doubt, the more successful one. The group makes its debut at Olimpico on October 18th 1987, in a squalid Serie B? Lazio-Padova (it will finish 1-1), and follow the match from a famous spot, the mythical ?muretto centrale?, which was occupied, until then, by the Viking group. Many people, who in the previous years did much for Curva Nord, are called back to join the newborn group. During its first period, the group has some peculiar characteristics: a very few members, whose average age is quite high.

The name is original indeed, but what does it really mean? IRRIDUCIBILI expresses the will not to accept any compromise with all the realities that surrounded S.S. Lazio, and in particular with the ? TV networks and with the Lazio Clubs. There is the will to re-affirm the ultras mentality, the spontaneous support without any sectarianism and moralism; there is the will to change the Curva Nord? Eagles Supporters (worshipped by all the Lazio?s world), accused to have divided the Curva into sons and stepsons. It?s not by chance that Irriducibili travel in train for the away matches, in contraposition to ? Eagle?s coach?; and indeed, it is the youngsters who already used to follow Lazio away by train those who join the group first. Many of them will become really attached to the group, representing, for them, the revenge towards those who considered them sort of ? Summing up, the attempt is to create a new group which takes from the 70s, calling back to the ?


Tunku Aziz Succeeds In Showing The Emperor Wears No Clothes

Ng Wei Aik, Ngeh, Nga and Hannah are Beauty, Truth, Goodness & Righteousness (in corresponding order, i.e. ABU while ‘y’ percent – the opposite 30% who are resolutely ABAI – will now plant feet more firmly to defend their ground. The remaining fence-sitters can tilt either way but Tunku Aziz’s departure from DAP will definitely carry an impact especially with the Malay middle. He has effected a turning of the tide. I really don’t begrudge anyone who wants to kick out Barisan. And I won’t pick a fight with someone who insists on voting Pakatan. My blog has never been about trying to influence how you vote. “I am not against the party at all. “What is CAT? Cat is a slogan. But to him no. But when it comes to 1Malaysia, 1Malaysia is just a slogan. “I’m trying to find an English word for this behaviour, and I can’t. There! That feels good – the copypasting, I mean.

The following line from Tunku Aziz is a cute rebuttal to the conspiracy theorists. Trojan horse. I was invited to join … I do wish DAPsters would take a deep breath, expel the phlegm, and inhale. For those puzzled as to why I’m not with the 80-90 percent of my fellow Chinese … I do not possess any herd mentality at all. A quick note on my background will help you understand. Nobody in my immediate family is Christian or has ever been a Christian. My home language is Chinese. Although both my late parents were English educated, they did not speak English in the house either to each other or to their children. In retrospect, I’m grateful. A reader Joe had commented: “I normally describe FMT writers as part of the middle-class lala brigade. Easily explained, Joe. I do not live in Subang Jaya or Damansara Utama or Bangsar.

I live on the edge of a Chinese new village. In the small pekan, they still have musty sundry shop-cum-Chinese medicine hall where luncheon meat (tinned pork) is displayed on the shelves. These shops don’t stock high-end products or branded goods. There is also an old shop selling joss sticks and other Taoist prayer materials, and an even older shop selling household stuff, e.g. Will anyone ever buy a chipped, cracked pail? There are one or two small tailor shops, one or two motorbike repair shops, and several bukan-Starbucks punya standard coffeeshops (cheap hawker food – I eat) where they play Chinese songs that sound like music from the bygone era of Rediffusion. The kopitiam tables are usually filled with not-young, decidedly un-hip Chinese people. This is the area where I’m residing now. One of my more distant neighbours even has a (disused) well in his yard. My neighbour next door has an altar in her home and burns paper offerings openly on occasion.

If you Google images, you can find many pictures of the Yang Berhormat Adun Subang Jaya in her tudung at the mosques. I’ve never come across any photos of her mingling with the adoring crowd at Chinese folk belief religious festivals. It always amazes me how people seem to think DAP is a Chinese party. A brief narrative of my experience with bloggers and journos. When Perkasa made their police report against me, Joceline Tan was the first to send me a note of support. I thought that was most decent of her. My Barisan Rakyat friends didn’t bother to send messages of encouragement. Ada lagi al-kisah tapi malas nak cerita. When this blog debuted in end-July 2011, the first blogger to put me on his blogroll was ‘A Voice’ (blog name: A Brick in the Wall). He can accept that we have differences of opinion and willing to give me a shout-out.

I’m not on the blogroll of Barisan Rakyat bloggers (e.g. Pakatan bloggers who write in English, with the exception of one or two. However, a handful of the pro-Pakatan bloggers who write in Malay have placed me on their blogrolls. You’ll be surprised to learn this next little detail: Big Dog’s blog “follows” my blog. Big Dog is bashed a lot by the Pakatan crowd but I think many of his postings tackle sober topics/economic issues plus attracting quality commenters. I was mildly surprised but not entirely shocked to find myself recently added to the blogroll of Demi Negara. The DN blogger, Kijangmas, is the guy who initiated the Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua petition. I had called him “far right”. He’s aware that I’m opposed to the SSS movement. Yet he’s broadminded enough to want to read my views. Similarly, I was pleasantly, a slight bit surprised that ‘Stop the Lies’ has included me in his blogroll too. Then there is Rockybru without whom my blog wouldn’t have been able to take off the way it has.