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3d old nyc checker cab modelOur adventure starts in the late 80s, when the Italian ultras movement was experiencing a transitory period, filled with a particular ferment. New minor groups rise among almost all the organized ultras in Italy with the aim to take back the ? 10-15 years earlier. In many cases, these established groups seem also to have lost their initial vitality. Among all such attempts, IRRIDUCIBILI will be, no doubt, the more successful one. The group makes its debut at Olimpico on October 18th 1987, in a squalid Serie B? Lazio-Padova (it will finish 1-1), and follow the match from a famous spot, the mythical ?muretto centrale?, which was occupied, until then, by the Viking group. Many people, who in the previous years did much for Curva Nord, are called back to join the newborn group. During its first period, the group has some peculiar characteristics: a very few members, whose average age is quite high.

The name is original indeed, but what does it really mean? IRRIDUCIBILI expresses the will not to accept any compromise with all the realities that surrounded S.S. Lazio, and in particular with the ? TV networks and with the Lazio Clubs. There is the will to re-affirm the ultras mentality, the spontaneous support without any sectarianism and moralism; there is the will to change the Curva Nord? Eagles Supporters (worshipped by all the Lazio?s world), accused to have divided the Curva into sons and stepsons. It?s not by chance that Irriducibili travel in train for the away matches, in contraposition to ? Eagle?s coach?; and indeed, it is the youngsters who already used to follow Lazio away by train those who join the group first. Many of them will become really attached to the group, representing, for them, the revenge towards those who considered them sort of ? Summing up, the attempt is to create a new group which takes from the 70s, calling back to the ?

The famous ?Mr. Enrich? Our mascot, a man wearing a bowler had and throwing kicks, taken from an anti-conformist character in a Britannic comic, would make its debut very soon, on a sticker. The very first period was not that brilliant, and, looking back, we can certainly say that only a few understood what this new group was really about; soon, however, things started to change, with the group taking the new path as it was meant to be. It?s time for the first display, realized with several flags with a check pattern and the ? Irriducibili? name painted on them. Maybe it was not great stuff, but for those times it was more than enough. Moreover we were showing that we were there. What will Irriducibili do today? This was the question that Curva Nord asked herself every Sunday, a sign that people were gladly getting used to our displays. The originality was our most peculiar feature.

And for the sake of originality, sometimes we passed the line. Like that day when, in order to have a more colorful Curva, we prepared multicolor flags (some were fluorescent) instead of the traditional white and pale blue. We realized it was a mistake, and abandoned the experiment. It is interesting to notice that Irriducibili introduce a banner which is only 10 meters long, in contraposition to those extremely wide used everywhere, with however ghost groups behind them. No section, no affiliated groups: Irriducibili is unique, and represents all those who gather at the ? Let?s talk a while about following Lazio away. 6 December 1987. The majority follows Eagles on their coaches, while Irriducibili travel by train. At the Genova railway station, about 800 Laziali get off the train. Irriducibili take the lead of this group of supporters, who then form a procession to reach the stadium: a completely new way to introduce themselves to the rival supporters, with Laziali approaching the stadium united and compact.


Baca Juga: Makan Hati Kerak Di Panci Sulit Hilang?

Sebab telur memang dikenal enak dan sehat. Mengolah telur juga mudah dan tak memerlukan waktu yang lama. Nah, biasanya setelah mengolah telur, kulitnya pasti bakal dibuang begitu saja bukan? Namun, mulai sekarang jangan lagi buang kulit telur. Baca Juga: Nyesel Baru Tahu Hari Ini, Ternyata Ada 3 Cara Mudah Kupas Telur Mulus Tanpa Gompal, Dijamin Berhasil! Karena ternyata kulit telur bisa sulap pisau blender jadi tajam lagi loh. Bahkan hanya dalam hitungan detik saja. Nah, jika pisau blender tumpul, Anda mulai panik sampai mencari-cari blender baru untuk menggantikan yang lama. Padahal ini tidak perlu, karena Anda bisa kembali menggunakan blender lama dengan pisau yang lebih tajam dengan mengasahnya. Ya, saat ini ada setidaknya 2 cara mudah untuk mengasah pisau blender lama agar tajam kembali. Bahan-bahannya dari cangkang telur dan alumunium foil. Yuk simak selengkapnya di bawah ini! Siapa sangka barang yang dianggap sampah ini ternyata memiliki kegunaan yang super membantu. Salah satunya adalah mengasah pisau blender agar tajam kembali.

International Mothers Language Day 21 st february bangladesh illustration martyr monument national martyrs day poster shaheed minar shohid minar1. Cuci bersih cangkang telur dan simpan dulu di dalam freezer. 2. Hal ini untuk membunuh bakteri yang ada di cangkang dan membuat lapisan cangkang menjadi lebih kuat dan tajam. 3. Simpan beberapa cangkang telur di kontainer plastik di dalam freezer, agar sewaktu-waktu Anda butuh menajamkan pisau blender Anda tinggal mengambil beberapa cangkang dari dalam wadah. 4. Masukkan cangkang ke dalam blender, beri sedikit air. Kemudian nyalakan blender selama beberapa saat. 5. Tumbukan pisau dan ujung tajam dari cangkang telur akan mengasah besi pisau yang ada. Baca Juga: Nyesel Kalau Dibuang! 6. Buang kulit cangkang di tempat sampah agar tak menyumbat saluran air. 7. Cuci bersih blender hingga tak ada aroma cangkang telur yang tertinggal. Selain dengan cangkang telur, Anda juga bisa mengandalkan aluminium foil untuk mengasah pisau agar kembali tajam seperti baru. Karena memang kenyataannya kita tak setiap hari masak telur, maka yang bisa Anda gunakan adalah aluminium foil.

Artikel berlanjut setelah video di bawah ini. 1. Masukkan beberapa lembar aluminium foil ke dalam blender. Nyalakan blender, biar pisau dapur memotong-motong aluminium foil menjadi potongan-potongan kecil. 2. Keluarkan cacahan aluminium foil, ulangi proses dengan lembaran baru yang masih utuh. 3. Setelah pisau dianggap sudah cukup tajam, cuci dan bersihkan blender hingga tuntas. Baca Juga: Satu Indonesia Bakal Kagum Lihat Hasilnya! Tak hanya bisa digunakan untuk menajamkan pisau blender saja. Kulit telur juga bisa digunakan untuk tanaman loh. Banyak masalah tanaman yang kadang Anda alami mulai dari penanaman sampai pada perawatan. Pria ini ceritakan kisahnya pada laman GARDENISTA cara menggunakan kulit telur untuk tanaman. Ia mengaku mulai banyak kumpulkan cangkang telur sejak membaca sebuah artikel di Real Farmacy. Sejak musim semi ia mulai kumpulkan kulit telur dan menghancurkannya. Sampai miliki banyak kulit telur, pria ini meminta anaknya untuk menghancurkan cangkang gunakan kayu agar terpotong kecil. Cangkang telur yang sudah dihancurkan itu pun dimanfaatkan untuk pupuk, atasi hama, dan penanaman.

Selain nitrogen, fosfor, dan kalium yang dibutuhkan oleh tumbuhan, juga memerlukan kalsium karbonat. Kulit telur jadi salah satu sumber kalsium karbonat dan jadi cara terbaik untuk memasukkan mineral ke dalam tanah. Anda bisa coba giling atau tumbuk kulit telur terlebih dahulu. Cangkang telur membutuhkan waktu beberapa bulan untuk mengurai dan benar-benar diserap oleh tanah. Selain membantu masuknya mineral dalam tanah, cangkang telur juga bisa dicampur dengan bahan organik lainnya. Tujuan utama mencampur bahan organik dan cangkang telur yang dihancurkan adalah untuk membantu tanaman lebih subur. Cara ini sangat cocok dicoba untuk tanaman tomat, karena adanya kalsium. Jika Anda ingin coba cara yang lebih menarik, Anda bisa campurkan kulit telur dengan bubuk kopi yang kaya akan nitrogen. Manfaat selanjutnya adalah sebagai wadah pembibitan. Ambil cangkang telur yang masih setengah utuh, lubangi bagian bawah telur dengan paku. Baca Juga: Makan Hati Kerak di Panci Sulit Hilang? Coba Gunakan Kulit Telur dan Lihat Hasil Nyatanya, Dijamin Kinclong!

In what Modern Pox, or Syphilis, Consists. 5 In the phagedenic chancre, the ulcer increases pe- ripherally or advances, eating right and left, almost in a zigzag. It penetrates into the connective tissue, which it destroys, and under the skin, which it perforates at various points. Sometimes one of the extremities cica- trizes as the chancre pursues its destructive march. Its invading and serpiginous course is rarely regular, and the disturbances are difficult to repair. They may even bring on death. I saw a case of this nature at Lourcine, when I was interne at that hospital, in 1881. Case I. (Personal).-A poor girl of 23, in the salle Fracastor (formerly St. At the time I saw the patient, the chancre formed a very regular circle 10 centimetres in diameter, without exaggeration; the skin and con- nective tissue were absolutely destroyed, as well as the 6heath of the muscles, which latter appeared naked, admirably dissected. One would have said that the coverings had been removed with a punch, and that a part of the skin had been cut out with scissors and Scarpa’s triangle1 prepared for demonstration.


Otomatis Magic Square Disajikan Oleh Tori Noquez Trik Sulap

Hemat uang dengan Aliexpress Mainan & Hobi! Saatnya bersenang-senang, semuanya dengan harga terbaik! Untuk sampai di sini, tidak ada yang lebih sederhana, pengguna mencari Mainan & Hobi, misalnya Otomatis Magic Square Disajikan Oleh Tori Noquez Trik Sulap kami adalah pilihan Anda. Dan pelanggan yang terhormat, apa yang akan Anda sukai? Temukan Mainan klasik murah kami sepenuhnya! Otomatis Magic Square Disajikan Oleh Tori Noquez Trik Sulap dengan harga murah, tetapi juga berbagai Trik sulap tersedia untuk Anda dengan harga lebih murah di Aliexpress! Aliexpress memandu Anda dan memungkinkan Anda menghemat uang untuk pembelian Otomatis Magic Square Disajikan Oleh Tori Noquez Trik Sulap seperti halnya semua pembelian ponsel Anda! Aliexpress juga merupakan promosi, diskon, dan obral kilat harian untuk obral terbaik dan favorit terbaru dari pelanggan di Trik sulap. Dan Anda pelanggan yang terhormat, apa yang Anda cari? Anda akan menemukan kebahagiaan Anda tanpa kesulitan! Berita terbaru dan di atas semua harga terbaik untuk barang favorit Anda, itulah sebabnya Aliexpress adalah NO.1 untuk pembelian Mainan & Hobi dan Mainan klasik Anda! Periksa ulasan pelanggan kami dan beli penawaran Mainan & Hobi kami, Anda akan lihat!

In what Modern Pox, or Syphilis, Consists. 5 In the phagedenic chancre, the ulcer increases pe- ripherally or advances, eating right and left, almost in a zigzag. It penetrates into the connective tissue, which it destroys, and under the skin, which it perforates at various points. Sometimes one of the extremities cica- trizes as the chancre pursues its destructive march. Its invading and serpiginous course is rarely regular, and the disturbances are difficult to repair. They may even bring on death. I saw a case of this nature at Lourcine, when I was interne at that hospital, in 1881. Case I. (Personal).-A poor girl of 23, in the salle Fracastor (formerly St. At the time I saw the patient, the chancre formed a very regular circle 10 centimetres in diameter, without exaggeration; the skin and con- nective tissue were absolutely destroyed, as well as the 6heath of the muscles, which latter appeared naked, admirably dissected. One would have said that the coverings had been removed with a punch, and that a part of the skin had been cut out with scissors and Scarpa’s triangle1 prepared for demonstration.

The unfortunate died of ex- haustion about eight months after the first appearance of the chancre. It is the only death from a venereal disease that I had an opportunity of witnessing during my stay at Lourcine, and yet I observed many patients in that hospital; it would be difficult to tell the exact number within a few hundreds. So, one can die of a non-infecting chancre, for this woman was not syphilitic; but it must be admitted that this is rare, especially nowadays. A last point to note, and I will have done with this parallel. 3c5i’, groin), or “kernel” which is always painful, and often suppurates. With the primary lesion of 1 Scarpa’s Triangle: An anatomical region which is dissected pre- paratory to examinations. 6 Syphilis To-day and Among the Ancients. This ganglion, which is sometimes as large as a walnut, is known, in hospital slang, under the name of prefet of the groin. This ganglionic pleiad, very hard to the touch, is absolutely indolent and never sup- purates.

It is not a bubo, then, to speak properly. When these buboes suppurate, the syphilis is accom- panied by gonorrhoea, soft chancre, or scrofula, or a neighboring wound; but that it could occur from the syphilitic process, I would almost regard as an impossi- bility. Thierry de Hery, lieutenant-general of the king (Henry II), knew already, in the sixteenth century, that there were chancres not followed by secondary accidents, and that the suppurating bubo did not belong to syphilis. He had then foreseen the duality of the chancre estab- lished in our days by Ricord in an irrefutable manner. “ As often appears in many who have bad and malignant ulcers, which will be difficult to cure, because nature makes an effort to evacuate the said venom by those parts, and if a bubo appears, otherwise called a ‘ kernel,’ which receives the said fluxion, the ulcer will be healed and cured in a short time, and the patient will be free from pox.”1 Besides, we have stated that the indurated chancre itself does not suppurate, and we shall see shortly that the secondary accidents do not suppurate either, or very slightly, this second period being a vege- tating phase rather than a destructive one.


Cara Belajar Sulap Pakai Aplikasi Gratis, Bisa Untuk PDKT Cewek Loh

Hand Lifts Free WeightsDi Indonesia seni sulap memang sempat cukup populer di eranya. Terutama sejak munculnya Deddy Corbuzier di televisi dengan acara sulapnya sendiri. Beberapa tahun lalu juga sempat diadakan ajang pencarian bakat khusus sulap berjudul The Master. Baca Juga: Tes Kepribadian Kamu Pakai Aplikasi Ini, Siapa Tau Kamu Psikopat! Acara itu sukses menaikkan hype sulap di Indonesia selama beberapa tahun. Saat itu sulap jadi makin digemari dan banyak orang yang mulai belajar sulap. Sekarang kamu bisa belajar sulap sendiri secara online dengan bantuan aplikasi yang satu ini. Mungkin kamu juga tahu, bahwa keahlian sulap bisa menjadi alat ampuh untuk pedekate cewek incaran. Aplikasi ini bernama Learn Magic Tricks. Yap, dari namanya saja kita sudah tahu kalau aplikasi ini akan menyediakan cara-cara untuk belajar trik sulap. DI aplikasi ini kalian bisa memilih berbagai jenis aliran sulap yang kalian sukai. Beberapa jenis tersebut di antaranya trik kartu, trik angka/hitungan, ilusi optik sampai close up magic yang menggunakan koin dan uang. Setelah memilih kategori yang kalian suka, kalian akan menemukan banyak video tutorial yang bisa memandu kalian belajar sulap. Baca Juga: Smartphone Kamu Hilang? Dengan aplikasi ini, kalian dijamin bisa belajar sulap dengan lebih mudah dan praktis. Mau coba? Langsung saja download aplikasinya lewat link di bawah ini.

In what Modern Pox, or Syphilis, Consists. 5 In the phagedenic chancre, the ulcer increases pe- ripherally or advances, eating right and left, almost in a zigzag. It penetrates into the connective tissue, which it destroys, and under the skin, which it perforates at various points. Sometimes one of the extremities cica- trizes as the chancre pursues its destructive march. Its invading and serpiginous course is rarely regular, and the disturbances are difficult to repair. They may even bring on death. I saw a case of this nature at Lourcine, when I was interne at that hospital, in 1881. Case I. (Personal).-A poor girl of 23, in the salle Fracastor (formerly St. At the time I saw the patient, the chancre formed a very regular circle 10 centimetres in diameter, without exaggeration; the skin and con- nective tissue were absolutely destroyed, as well as the 6heath of the muscles, which latter appeared naked, admirably dissected. One would have said that the coverings had been removed with a punch, and that a part of the skin had been cut out with scissors and Scarpa’s triangle1 prepared for demonstration.

The unfortunate died of ex- haustion about eight months after the first appearance of the chancre. It is the only death from a venereal disease that I had an opportunity of witnessing during my stay at Lourcine, and yet I observed many patients in that hospital; it would be difficult to tell the exact number within a few hundreds. So, one can die of a non-infecting chancre, for this woman was not syphilitic; but it must be admitted that this is rare, especially nowadays. A last point to note, and I will have done with this parallel. 3c5i’, groin), or “kernel” which is always painful, and often suppurates. With the primary lesion of 1 Scarpa’s Triangle: An anatomical region which is dissected pre- paratory to examinations. 6 Syphilis To-day and Among the Ancients. This ganglion, which is sometimes as large as a walnut, is known, in hospital slang, under the name of prefet of the groin. This ganglionic pleiad, very hard to the touch, is absolutely indolent and never sup- purates.

It is not a bubo, then, to speak properly. When these buboes suppurate, the syphilis is accom- panied by gonorrhoea, soft chancre, or scrofula, or a neighboring wound; but that it could occur from the syphilitic process, I would almost regard as an impossi- bility. Thierry de Hery, lieutenant-general of the king (Henry II), knew already, in the sixteenth century, that there were chancres not followed by secondary accidents, and that the suppurating bubo did not belong to syphilis. He had then foreseen the duality of the chancre estab- lished in our days by Ricord in an irrefutable manner. “ As often appears in many who have bad and malignant ulcers, which will be difficult to cure, because nature makes an effort to evacuate the said venom by those parts, and if a bubo appears, otherwise called a ‘ kernel,’ which receives the said fluxion, the ulcer will be healed and cured in a short time, and the patient will be free from pox.”1 Besides, we have stated that the indurated chancre itself does not suppurate, and we shall see shortly that the secondary accidents do not suppurate either, or very slightly, this second period being a vege- tating phase rather than a destructive one.


The Truth Behind Christianity Vs Islam

I may sound rude, but to me, only stupid people will completely believe in the monotheistic god. Since they are too lazy or unable to thinker for themselves. Or just too deeply brainwashed in prolonged timespan. And I want to add this. A ritual is a means to signify something that in reality has no meaning whatsoever. It gives people the illusion that the event/object has trully occured or trully exist. When in fact it is completely non-existent. And it sound that you are not stupid cuz you dont believe in monotheistic God. Sometimes i wonder about people like you. Are you willing to compare and compete your brain with any people who believe in monotheist God, to know who is smarter? If there any person who believe of monotheist God that smarter than you, what you are then in your own opinion? In this case you can choose any knowledge you prefer. I dont want to comment to this thread cuz it is too obvious, but since you keep saying about representative of female and male, energy, yin and yang, what you know about that?

Sulap uangHave you learn about living energy, and till how far you learn and mastered it? How far you can see or go to other dimension, and until what dimension? From one of your post you said you are come from Indonesia, and so am i. You can easily find someone who know about energy. Are you ever challenge them in any way? Do you know how it works? Have you debate with a good ulama about islam from spiritual view? Here how you think about something and it is kind of trend inhere lately. You see another point Y. Forget about what is A, F or Y, just connect it and add something as filler from empty air. Another thing for everyone who only think religion just only about physical thing. Have everyone heard that religion is about spiritual? Have anyone learn about your own spirituality? Other dimensions? No wonder you believe in the monotheistic god. Let me assume, you talk about this out of experiece, maybe? Yeah I know about stories about dataran tinggi dieng. One look at your avatar you must be Sundanese, correct? And most of the spiritual ulamas are probably gay, I see no point why I shall visit them. All they do is probably just seeking for attention? Attention and trust is still two of the most popular source of energy everywhere. Atuhlah, teu deuy bogbog pisan, kalo inyong sih ora sudi diapusi karo uwong. There, you convinced now, I am from indonesia? No I dont speak Sundanese very well.

In what Modern Pox, or Syphilis, Consists. 5 In the phagedenic chancre, the ulcer increases pe- ripherally or advances, eating right and left, almost in a zigzag. It penetrates into the connective tissue, which it destroys, and under the skin, which it perforates at various points. Sometimes one of the extremities cica- trizes as the chancre pursues its destructive march. Its invading and serpiginous course is rarely regular, and the disturbances are difficult to repair. They may even bring on death. I saw a case of this nature at Lourcine, when I was interne at that hospital, in 1881. Case I. (Personal).-A poor girl of 23, in the salle Fracastor (formerly St. At the time I saw the patient, the chancre formed a very regular circle 10 centimetres in diameter, without exaggeration; the skin and con- nective tissue were absolutely destroyed, as well as the 6heath of the muscles, which latter appeared naked, admirably dissected. One would have said that the coverings had been removed with a punch, and that a part of the skin had been cut out with scissors and Scarpa’s triangle1 prepared for demonstration.

The unfortunate died of ex- haustion about eight months after the first appearance of the chancre. It is the only death from a venereal disease that I had an opportunity of witnessing during my stay at Lourcine, and yet I observed many patients in that hospital; it would be difficult to tell the exact number within a few hundreds. So, one can die of a non-infecting chancre, for this woman was not syphilitic; but it must be admitted that this is rare, especially nowadays. A last point to note, and I will have done with this parallel. 3c5i’, groin), or “kernel” which is always painful, and often suppurates. With the primary lesion of 1 Scarpa’s Triangle: An anatomical region which is dissected pre- paratory to examinations. 6 Syphilis To-day and Among the Ancients. This ganglion, which is sometimes as large as a walnut, is known, in hospital slang, under the name of prefet of the groin. This ganglionic pleiad, very hard to the touch, is absolutely indolent and never sup- purates.


Wayne Houchin Art Of Magic Vol

ZA&dunia: AKAL-AKALAN DAN TIPU2 ALA JOHN KERRY..DAN POLITISI2 OBAMA ...Dibawah ini adalah list judul video sulap untuk tutorial & Show Sulap berupa file data (hanya bisa di play di PC/Laptop, setiap order akan diberikan software pendukung untuk memasang video di PC/Laptop) hanya dengan harga Rp 100.000/60 judul video (Judul Bebas Pilih). Judul akan di update dengan judul-judul baru setiap bulan nya. Allan Ackerman – Las Vegas Card Expert Vol. Andy Nyman – Get Nyman Vol. Andy Nyman – Get Nyman Vol. Andy Nyman – Get Nyman Vol. Bob Seligman – The Great Magic Of Las Vegas Vol. Bob Seligman – The Great Magic Of Las Vegas Vol. Ian Adair – Art Of Dove Magic Vol. Jeff McBridge – World Class Manipulation Vol. Jeff McBridge – World Class Manipulation Vol. Jeff McBridge – World Class Manipulation Vol. Peter Eggink – A.E. Dixie Dooley Escapology Vol. Dominique Duvivier L’ecole De La Magie Vol. Dominique Duvivier L’ecole De La Magie Vol. Ed Marlo It’s All In The Cards Vol.

Ed Marlo It’s All In The Cards Vol. Ellusionist The Guerrilla To Using Loops Vol. Ellusionist The Guerrilla To Using Loops Vol. Ellusionist The Guerrilla To Using Loops Vol. Five Star Magic Media COINvention Vol. Gregory Wilson In Action Vol. Gregory Wilson In Action Vol. Gregory Wilson In Action Vol. Gregory Wilson On The Spot Vol. Gregory Wilson On The Spot Vol. Hayashi Coin Fu Vol. Hayashi Coin Fu Vol. Ian Adair Art Of Dove Magic Vol. Ichiro Araki Card master Vol. Ichiro Araki Card master Vol. Jason Dean & John Born Cutting Edge Flourishes Vol. Jeff McBride On Stage Vol. Jhon Guattaffero Brainstorm Vol. Jhon Guattaffero Brainstorm Vol. John Guastaferro Second Storm Vol. John Guastaferro Second Storm Vol. John Mendoza My Best Vol. John Mendoza My Best Vol. John Mendoza My Best Vol. Johnathan Royale Professional Stage Hypnosis Vol. Magics Biggest Secret Finally Revealed 2008 Vol. Magics Biggest Secret Finally Revealed 2008 Vol. Magics Biggest Secret Finally Revealed 2008 Vol.

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In what Modern Pox, or Syphilis, Consists. 5 In the phagedenic chancre, the ulcer increases pe- ripherally or advances, eating right and left, almost in a zigzag. It penetrates into the connective tissue, which it destroys, and under the skin, which it perforates at various points. Sometimes one of the extremities cica- trizes as the chancre pursues its destructive march. Its invading and serpiginous course is rarely regular, and the disturbances are difficult to repair. They may even bring on death. I saw a case of this nature at Lourcine, when I was interne at that hospital, in 1881. Case I. (Personal).-A poor girl of 23, in the salle Fracastor (formerly St. At the time I saw the patient, the chancre formed a very regular circle 10 centimetres in diameter, without exaggeration; the skin and con- nective tissue were absolutely destroyed, as well as the 6heath of the muscles, which latter appeared naked, admirably dissected. One would have said that the coverings had been removed with a punch, and that a part of the skin had been cut out with scissors and Scarpa’s triangle1 prepared for demonstration.

The unfortunate died of ex- haustion about eight months after the first appearance of the chancre. It is the only death from a venereal disease that I had an opportunity of witnessing during my stay at Lourcine, and yet I observed many patients in that hospital; it would be difficult to tell the exact number within a few hundreds. So, one can die of a non-infecting chancre, for this woman was not syphilitic; but it must be admitted that this is rare, especially nowadays. A last point to note, and I will have done with this parallel. 3c5i’, groin), or “kernel” which is always painful, and often suppurates. With the primary lesion of 1 Scarpa’s Triangle: An anatomical region which is dissected pre- paratory to examinations. 6 Syphilis To-day and Among the Ancients. This ganglion, which is sometimes as large as a walnut, is known, in hospital slang, under the name of prefet of the groin. This ganglionic pleiad, very hard to the touch, is absolutely indolent and never sup- purates.